Saturday, September 8, 2012

Back to school!

Hello again!  I am officially behind on the blog posting.  I have been so busy enjoying island life and working while Phil has been enjoying Term 4 (ok, he's not enjoying it at all). Since I last posted, Phil finished Term 3, my mom has come to visit, and lots of old and new friends have arrived on the island!  I will get to all of that in later posts. Right now I would like to give you a tour of the campus that brought us here.

So!  When we first got to the island we went and checked out the SGU campus and oh boy is it glorious!!

The view from the higher part of campus. So pretty!

First day of school for my Felipe (and Dave)!

 Studying here looks pretty rough, right?

Bus roundabout where we spend quite a bit of time waiting for buses...

Mont Tout School Bus.  Oh so many stories revolve around these crazy buses but at least they are big and air conditioned!

This is the cliff at the end of the campus cliff jumping for me, thanks!

Can you believe this water?? So beautiful!

The end.  Just kidding!  Next post to come soon.

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